انظر القسيمة المستبدلة / غير المستبدلة
How many Vouchers are still unredeemed ? Go to the TicketingHub Dashboard: Go to Sales Click on Sales Click "Voucher Booking" to filter Click "Voucher Booking" (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/weFew readersإعادة إرسال رسالة التأكيد الإلكترونية إلى عميل
It's very simple to resend a confirmation email to a client. Find the booking Open the Order OR Click resend confirmation email CLICK ON RESENDFew readersCustom Fields for email templates (Liquid)
reference (booking reference) voucher (true/false depending if booking is a voucher or no notes booking notes product.name product.address.name product.address.building product.address.street product.address.city product.address.region product.address.postalcode product.address.country product.address.googlemapsurl product.formattedaddress season.name variant.name tiernames (list of tier names) order.language order.refereFew readers