مقالات عن: استكشاف الأخطاء وإصلاحها

Custom Fields for email templates (Liquid)

{ reference } (booking reference)
{ voucher } (true/false depending if booking is a voucher or no
{ notes } booking notes
{ product.name }
{ product.address.name }
{ product.address.building }
{ product.address.street }
{ product.address.city }
{ product.address.region }
{ product.address.postal_code }
{ product.address.country }
{ product.address.google_maps_url }
{ product.formatted_address }
{ season.name }
{ variant.name }
{ tier_names } (list of tier names)
{ order.language }
{ order.reference }
{ order.referral_code }
{ order.checkout_url }
{ option.name }
{ option.time }
{ supplier.name }
{ supplier.logo }
{ supplier.logo_url }
{ supplier.website }
{ supplier.telephone }
{ supplier.email }
{ customer.first_name }
{ customer.last_name }
{ customer.full_name }
{ customer.company }
{ customer.email }
{ attendee.first_name } ( if there is no attendee it defaults to customer )
{ attendee.last_name }
{ attendee.full_name }
{ attendee.company }
{ attendee.email }
{ channel.name }
{ reseller.name }
{ booked_for_date } ( valid_from date if it's not a voucher booking
{ questions_with_answers } collection of { question, answer } elements
{ group_booking } ( true or false depending if booking is group booking or not )
{ extra_names } ( list of extra names )
{ pickup.location }
{ pickup.time }
{ pickup.note }
{ pickup.map } (google maps link)
{ smartwaiver_url }
{ guide.name }
{ guide.first_name }
{ guide.last_name }
{ guide.telephone }
{ manage_booking_url }
{ size }

Updated on: 17/06/2024

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